Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

(Next morning.)

There was a knock on the door. Alberto went and answers it “Come in Bran.” Said Alberto as he motions Bran inside the room. Bran enters, “How did you sleep?” he asks them. “Pretty good. What is going on?” asks Dagon as he finished dressing. “You have a busy day ahead of you Dagon. I can’t say too much right now.” Said Bran. Dagon and Alberto look at each other. “Please follow me.” Continues Bran as he leaves the room. Both of them follow him.

(Back in the grand room.)

Queen Daphne notices them and walks towards them. “Good morning.” Said Queen Daphne. Dagon smiles “Good morning.” He returns the gesture. “Your father is waiting for you in the next room. Please follow me.” Said Queen Daphne as she leads the way. Dagon looks puzzled but he follows the Queen. Few minutes later they reach a room. “What is this place?” asks Dagon confused.

“Your father will explain. Please go inside.” Said Queen Daphne. Dagon looks at her and enters the room. “Dagon please come here.” Asks King Arthur. Dagon heads over where his dad is. He looks at the bed. “Who is she?” Dagon finally asks King Arthur. “She is your twin sister. When you disappeared we put her into a sleep.” Said King Arthur. Dagon was shock that he has a sister. “When she is awake?” Dagon asks King Arthur.

King Arthur explains what they need to do. Dagon was shocked to hear this and bit confused. King Arthur explains what the stuff needs to be done. “I know it is a shock for you. Every royal person has did it in the past.” Finished King Arthur. Dagon looks at his sister again, “How long does it take to do all this?” asks Dagon as he still in shock. King Arthur explains to him. “The sooner you get it done your sister will be awake.” Dagon looks at King Arthur and replies, “When can we start this?”

King Arthur explains that to him. “Come we will get you ready.” Said King Arthur as he leaves the room. Dagon follows him to another room. “This place where we will do it. Let the servants do their thing.” Said King Arthur as he claps his hands. The servants come toward Dagon.

(Two hours later.)

“Are you ready?” Asks King Arthur as he looks at his son. “Yes I am.” Answers Dagon a bit scared to go thru this. King Arthur notices how scared Dagon is. “I will be there with you. I was scared when I did it with my father as well. It won’t take long. You wont feel a thing.” Said King Arthur as he comforts Dagon. Dagon looks at his father and asks, “What do you mean?” The King Arthur answers. “They will put you to sleep. For a few days.” Dagon looks surprised at this. “Does my sister go thru this as well?” Dagon asks. King Arthur nods his head yes. “Her name is Bridget. They are ready for you.” Said King Arthur as he motions Dagon to another room.

King Arthur opens the door and they both enter. Dagon looks around the room in amazement. “This room where we do the change. This is Castor he will be looking after you. I know you have Alberto but we need some one that has the talents.” Explains King Arthur. Dagon nods his head in agreement. Castor walks towards them. “Nice to meet you Prince Dagon. Did your father explain what is happening? ” Said Castor as he joins them. Dagon nods his head yes unable to speak. “Don’t worry, you will be asleep. We are ready now.” Finishes Castor. They all go to the room. “I will explain how the stuff works.” Said Castor as they stop at the counter; he explains each drug will do.

“How long will I be asleep for?” Asks Dagon as he listens to Castor. “Depends how long the change takes. It might be couple of days or less hard to say.” Finishes Castor. Dagon looks at the drugs and asks, “How long does the drug take affects?” Castor explains that to him “Some are fast to work and some will take time to work. I can tell when you are ready for the next one. We better start now, I will get the first one ready.” Said Castor as he heads over to the counter to make the stuff up.

Few minutes later Castor brings the drink to Dagon. “Drink this, take your time. I want you to walk around the room. You will start to feel very dizzy.” Said Castor as he hands the drink to Dagon. Dagon holds the drink and drinks it slowly until it is all done. He starts to walk around the room. Castor watches him while he mixes another one up. “Dagon is you getting dizzy?” Asks Castor as he continues to work. Dagon nods his head yes as he contiues to walk. Castor has finished the next drink. “Dagon please comes here.” He asks Dagon. Dagon goes over towards Castor. “Drink this one slowly as well. It will make you feel like you are drunk and very light headed.” Explains Castor as he hands the drink to Dagon.

Dagon takes the drink and he drinks it slowly, hands the cup back to Castor. He starts walking around the room. Castor continues to make the next drink for Dagon. After awhile he looks up and notices Dagon is swaying. Castor goes over towards Dagon. “I will help you with this drink. It will make you paralyze and you wont able to stand any more.” Said Castor as he helps Dagon with the next drink. Castor helps Dagon to walk around the room. Castor sees that Dagon is having a hard time to walk; he moves Dagon to a bed and helps him to lie down. “The other drugs will be easier now Dagon. The first one will make you relax. The second one will make you sleepy. Then I will use hypnosis you and then the last drug to put you into a very deep sleep.” Said Castor as he gets the needles ready. Dagon only can watch. “You wont feel a thing.” Said Castor as gives the needle to Dagon.

Castor watches closely to see how Dagon is holding up with the drugs. Castor sees how relax Dagon has become. Castor gives him the next needle. “Let the drug work don’t fight it.” Said Castor as he watches Dagon. He notices how sleepy Dagon is becoming. “Dagon, please look into my eyes.” Castor said as he watches Dagon closely. Dagon looks into Castor eyes. Castor says a spell and Dagon is out like a light. Castor uses the last drug on Dagon, then he checks Dagon out.

“He is ready King Arthur.” Said Castor. King Arthur looks at Dagon, He says a magic spell, Dagon is lifted into the air and there was bright light and smoke all around Dagon. After a few minutes it was done. The spell lowers Dagon back on the bed. King Arthur watches the changes that are happening to Dagon. After awhile it is completed. Castor moves Dagon to another bed while King Arthur brings Bridget into the room and does the same thing to her. Castor moves her beside Dagon. “It will be a slow one for these two.” Said Castor. King Arthur nods his head in agreement. “I will explain this to Alberto.” Said King Arthur as he leaves the room.

(Back in the great room.)

Alberto sees King Arthur arriving with out Dagon. King Arthur notices the puzzlement on Alberto face and he explains what is happening to Dagon. “He will be alright. Our people do this. We have done this for a long time.” Said King Arthur. “ How long will be like that?” asks Alberto. King Arthur explains the culture to Alberto. Alberto now understands. “I will show you around Alberto.” Said Bran. Alberto nods his head in agreement. They leave the room. “How long will Bridget and Dagon will be under?” asks Queen Daphne. “Castor said it might be a couple of days or more.” Answers King Arthur as he head back to where Dagon and Bridget are. Queen Daphne follows him.

(Two Days pass.)

“I am going to check Dagon and Bridget.” Said King Arthur as he heads to the room. The others nod their heads and went back what they are doing. In a few minutes King Arthur arrives to the room. He enters the room Castor sees him and motions to him to follow him. King Arthur follows Castor. “How are they doing?” King Arthur asks. Castor smiles and replies, “Pretty good. The transformation was successful. Come and see for your self.” King Arthur looks at Bridget and at Dagon; he is please how they turn out.

“Are you going wake them up?” asks King Arthur as he still looks at Dagon and Bridget. Castor nods his head yes, “I am getting the stuff ready now. It still might take time for them to wake up. After I give the last needle they can moved to their own beds.” Said Castor as he gives Dagon and Bridget the needle. Then he summons the servants to carry them to their chambers. “Dagon friend can look after him, while another servant will look after Bridget.” Said Castor as he watches the servants carry Dagon and Bridget away. “I can tell that to Alberto. He seems to care about Dagon.” Said King Arthur as he walks back to the main chamber.

Alberto notices King Arthur return. “How did it go?” he asks King Arthur tells them. “They are in their own rooms. Alberto, you can stay with Dagon until he is recovered.” Said King Arthur. Alberto nods his head and replies, “Thanks.” As he walks towards the door. “I am sure Dagon will be in safe hands.” Said Bran as he follows Alberto to Dagon’s chambers.

(Inside Dagon’s Chambers.)

Alberto looks at Dagon in surprise how he looks now. “He does look a bit different now.” Said Bran as he enters the room. “What do I need to do?” asks Alberto as he looks at Dagon. Bran explains everything to Alberto. “He might dream as well. All you need to do is try to calm him down.” Finishes Bran. Alberto nods his head in agreement. Suddenly Dagon cries out, Alberto tries to calm him down. “It is all right Dagon, you are safe. Relax.” Said Alberto calm to Dagon.

“He must be dreaming about Myst.” Said Alberto. Bran nods his head in agreement. “You better stay here and keep watch on him. It might take awhile for him to wake up.” Said Bran as he leaves. Alberto nods his head yes as he sits down to read. Bran leaves the room. He goes back to King Arthur. “It will be hard for Dagon, He is dreaming about Myst.” Said Bran as he sits down at the table. “How did he ended up on that planet?” asks Queen Daphne a bit confused. Bran explains what he did to Dagon while on route to Twilight.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“Bran, do you what the planet is called?” asks Alberto as he watched more creatures coming out of the tree. Bran shakes his head no “What ever hit us totally take off us course.” Dagon looks a bit closer to the creatures and shock to see they have wings. “I think we are scaring them cause of our size.” Said Dagon as he sits down to see if they will come closer.

The creatures come out of the tree and a bit closer to Dagon. They seem corious of the tall strangers that arrived on their planet. “We won’t want to harm you.” Said Dagon in a soft voice. The creatures starts to talk in their own language not too sure of Dagon just yet. Bran looks at the creatures and sees them as Fairies. “Dagon uses the necklace to see if it will translate their language.” Bran said as he gives the words for the necklace to work.

Dagon repeats what Bran just said. “What are you doing here Giants?” asks one of the Fairies to Dagon. Dagon explains to them what happen to their ship. “We didn’t really want to harm any one here.” Said Dagon. The Fairies looks at the ship and back to the Giants. “Who are you?” asks the Same Fairy. Dagon introduces everyone to the Fairies.

“I am called TinkerBell, I am the Queen of the Fairies.” Said TinkerBell. “I hope we didn’t landed on any of your houses.” Said Dagon. TinkerBell shakes her head no. “We live in the trees mostly. How long will it take to fix you ship?” TinkerBell asks. Dagon explains that to her. “We are hoping it wont take too long.” Finishes Dagon. Tinkerbell looks at the ship and nods her head in agreement. “I agree, to me it doesn’t look too bad. Do you know what hit you?” asks TinkerBell.
Bran shakes his head no. “No I don’t, It wont take that long to fix it up.” Bran said as he continues to look at the damages. Both Alberto and Dagon went over and check the damages. “We should get started, I don’t want to work in the dark.” Said Alberto as he looks up at the sky. Bran nods his head in agreement, and then he went to get some tools.

(Twenty minutes later the ship is fixed.)

“That should do it.” Said Bran as he checks the ship again. “I am tired from that.” Said Alberto. Dagon nods his head in agreement, “I think I can sleep for a week after that.” Said Dagon. Bran just smiles and turns towards TinkerBell “Thanks for letting us stay here until we got the ship fixed.” Said Bran. TinkerBell smiles and replies back” Your welcome I hope there will be no more attacks on your ship.” Bran nods his head in agreement, He, Dagon and Alberto walks inside the ship. TinkerBell stands back as the ship takes off.

(Ten minutes later.)

“Bran do you know who did knock us off course?” asks Dagon. Bran nods his head no, “No, it could been a space rock or space junk that did that. Why don’t you and Alberto get clean up and get some sleep.” Replies Bran. Alberto nods his head in agreement and heads back to the quarters to get clean up and head to bed. Dagon follows suits. Bran hears them sleeping. Bran hums a tune. He is checking the chart to make sure he can get back on course.

(Next Morning.)

Dagon comes to the cockpit and is surprise to see Bran still at the controls “You didn’t sleep?” Asks Dagon a bit surprise. Bran turns around “I took some short naps. I see you found the clothes.” Said Bran. Dagon looks at himself “Yes, my other ones got too dirty and worn out.” Said Dagon. Bran smiles “Help your self to the food. Another few hours or more we will be arriving at Twilight.” Said Bran as he checks the chart again. Dagon leaves the cockpit and finds the kitchen. Few minutes later Alberto joins him.

“I wonder longer before we reach Twilight?” asks Alberto as he helps himself to the food. Dagon looks up to his friend “Bran said few hours or more.” Said Dagon as he watches Alberto get something to eat. “I hope we wont run into anymore problems now.” Said Alberto. Dagon nods his head in agreement. Bran joins them he sits down “It wont is that long before we reach Twilight.” Said Bran as he helps himself to the food.

“I am not too sure what to expect once we arrive there?” ask Dagon a bit worried. Bran looks at him and replies, “Yes it will be different than Myst. It will take time to get used to it. There are books here about Twilight. I suggest you both read them to get a better idea. I am not suppose to say any more until we reach Twilight.” Both Dagon and Alberto nod their heads in agreement they clean up their mess then head towards to the sitting area and grabs the books.

(Three Hours later.)

Suddenly the ship was starting to lose control. Both Dagon and Alberto run towards the cockpit. “What is happening?” Asks Dagon as he tries to stand still. “I think the repairs we did are not holding anymore.” Said Bran as he tries to keep control of the ship. Alberto notices the glow on Dagon’s necklace. “Dagon look at your necklace.” Asks Alberto. Dagon looks at his necklace. “Bran I think my necklace is glowing again.” Said Dagon. Bran takes a quick look at Dagon.

“It feels the danger plus it knows we are so close to Twilight. Dagon I want you to say these words” Explained Bran as he says the words to Dagon. Dagon nods his head yes and repeats the words that Bran told him. There was a glow around Dagon. Bran notices the glow. “Dagon concrete you can tell the necklace to the power.” Bran said. Dagon only can nod his head in agreement. Alberto notices the glow moves around the ship.

“How long can he hold that up?” asks Alberto as he still continues watching. Bran looks at Dagon. “I have no idea. We are close to Twilight now. Alberto keeps an eye on Dagon. I need to work the controls still.” Said Bran. “Ok, I hope this works.” Said Alberto. “ Me too, we need to be quiet so Dagon can hold onto the glow.” Said Bran.

(Hour Later.)

“I can’t hold this much longer.” Said Dagon as he tries to keep it up. Bran looks over at Dagon, “you must Dagon. We are already there. I need to contact them and they can use the tractor beam on us.” Said Bran as he goes back to the controls and to the radio. “I know you can do it Dagon.” Said Alberto cheering his friend on. Dagon closes his eyes and concrete hard to keep the glow going.

Suddenly there was another light that grabs the ship. “Dagon you can relax now. It is the tractor beam is pulling us in.” Said Bran. Dagon relaxes and collapses from the effort. Alberto went to Dagon. “Are you OK?” Alberto asks Dagon a bit worried. “Just a bit worn out. I am not used to that.” Said Dagon a bit tired. Alberto helps Dagon to sit in a chair. “How long can they hold us up here?” asks Alberto as he looks outside. “They are pulling us in. The engines just died on us.” Replies Bran.

(Two hours later they are in the spaceport on Twilight.)

Both Dagon and Alberto were surprised at the spaceport. “Follow me please.” Said Bran as he leads the way. Both Alberto and Dagon follow Bran. “I sure will get lost in here.” Said Alberto as he looks around the place. Dagon only nods his head in agreement. After a few minutes they arrive at their desation. “Please wait here. I will tell them you are here Dagon.” Said Bran as he enters the room. Both Dagon and Alberto wait outside.

Few minutes later Bran returns to them and motion them to follow him in. Dagon and Alberto walks in and looks around the room. Bran takes the lead again thy both follow him to the throne room. Dagon sees the two people sitting. He is wondering if these are his real parents. “These are King Arthur and Queen Daphne.” Said Bran. King Arthur came down from his chair and walks towards Dagon. “I am glad you are home my son. I know it will be hard for you right now. It will feel strange for awhile.” Said King Arthur. Dagon was still in shock finding out where he came from. Bran notices how hard it is for Dagon. “This is his friend Alberto. They grew up together on Myst.” Said Bran. Queen Daphne comes toward them “Nice to meet you. It probably help Dagon here as well.” Said Queen Daphne.

“I still have so many questions.” Said Dagon finally found his voice. “It will be answered for you. Not right now, you must rest then we can talk about that later.” Said King Arthur. Dagon nods his head in agreement. “ I will show them to their room.” Said Bran. Queen Daphne nods her head in agreement. Bran leads them to their quarters.