Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The stranger goes over and checks Dagon out. “What happen to him?” Asks Alberto concern over his friend. “It must be the necklace did that, I wonder help me move him.” The stranger asks Alberto. They move him to a table and lay him down. The stranger takes off Dagon’s shirt and sees a birthmark on his chest. The stranger recognizes the mark. “Do you know what this mark is?” the stranger asks Alberto.

Alberto shakes his head no and replies, “He never had his shirt off before. Will he be all right? You look like you recognize the mark? ” The stranger checks Dagon out again and replies, “ Yes, I think your friend Dagon is the prince I am looking for.” Alberto was shock to hear this and asks, “Then how did he arrive at Myth?” The stranger shrugged his shoulders “ I have no idea, I am sure we can figure it out.” Alberto looks confused at this. Alberto notices Dagon coming around. “Wh-What happened?” Dagon asks in puzzlement as he looks around the room. Alberto explains to him what happen. Leaving out the prince part.

“The necklace threw me?” Dagon said in confuse. The stranger then fills in the rest where Alberto left out. “Me a prince? I don’t get it? Who are you?” said Dagon in puzzlement. The stranger replies, “My name is Bran, I serve your parents King Arthur and Daphne your birth parents. I know it is a shock to you.” Dagon looks at Bran and replies, “ I am so confused now. Then how did I ended up here?” as Dagon got up and starts walking back and forth. “There is a way we could find out, it will be hard on you thou.” Replies Bran. Dagon stops and looks at Bran. “Please tell me where do I really belong? All my life I know I was different.” Dagon asks Bran.

Bran explains what race Dagon belongs too. Dagon asks, “This is too much all at once. I never fight in my life Myst is a peaceful world.” Bran nods his head in agreement and replies, “I know, if you stay here longer they will keep doing this until they find you and destroy the whole planet.” Alberto is totally in shock in what happening and asks, “If he leaves these creatures or what ever they are called will leave us alone?” Bran nods his head yes, “They don’t stay in one area that long. They usely find their prey and they leave.” Dagon was in shock finding out he is a prince “I am still wondering how I ended up here and where is the planet I am from?” Dagon asks. Bran looks at him and explains what he can do. “It is up to you Dagon, I know you have more questions, I can’t answer them.” Bran explains.

“What about Alberto? He has been a friend to me for a long time. Yes, I still want to know how I got here” Asks Dagon. Bran looks at Alberto and replies, “He has to come with us he has learn too much already, these creatures has a way to find info from people. Are you totally sure Dagon? The procedure will make you very weak for a few days.” Dagon stops and thinks for a few minutes. “Yes, I want to know.” Dagon said to Bran.

“OK, first put on the necklace, don’t worry it wont knock you out this time. Then Stand in front of me. Alberto please stands behind him. ” Bran asks Dagon. Dagon does what he was told it with Alberto. Bran mixes a drink and hands it to Dagon “I want you to drink this please don’t rush. It feels like you are drunk. Alberto will catch you once you fall. Then I will help you with the next drink that will make you loose all your feelings thru your body, then the next drink will make you sleepy then I will give you a shot that really put you out. ” Bran explains to Dagon ash he hands the first drink to Dagon.

“How fast does it work?” Dagon asks as he starts to drink “Pretty fast, try to relax as well.” Bran replies. Dagon has finished the first drink and hands Bran the cup back. Bran notices Dagon can hardly stand any more and collapses into Alberto’s arms. Alberto lays him down on the ground. Bran helps Dagon to drink the next cup. After that one is done Bran asks, “Dagon please try to move your arms.” Dagon tries with out success. “Here is the other drink.” Said Bran as he helps Dagon to drink it. Bran watches Dagon and notices that Dagon is getting very sleepy. “Dagon, you wont feel this shot, but let it do its job.” Bran said as he gets the needle ready.

Bran gives the needle to Dagon he passed real fast. Bran use magic on Dagon to see what happen in his pass life. About two hours later Bran gives Dagon another shot to make sleep a bit longer. “How long will he sleep for?” Alberto asks Bran. Bran looks at Dagon and replies, “For awhile, he might get a fever too depends how strong he is. Once he is awake he will be confused as well. I like when the drugs leave the system on their own. We better not move him yet.”

Alberto nods his head in agreement and asks, “ How did you find this place? Especially Dagon and my club house?” Alberto asks Bran. Bran smiles and replies, “ I followed you after the last explosions.” Alberto shakes his head and notices Dagon moving slightly he went over and feels his forehead “He is getting a bit warm here.” Alberto said. Bran notices the concern in Alberto’s voice and check Dagon out. “He has a fever, he is a strong boy. Get some water and bath his head. I will keep guard here I have a feeling we wont be alone anymore.” Bran said. Alberto runs towards the lake that is near by when he was coming back he notices something not right near the clubhouse. He enters and explains to Bran what he saw. “We need to move now. Even thou I rather not try to move Dagon like this. Help me carry him. We must get to my space ship before they come and take him away.” Bran said. He and Alberto picks up Dagon and carry him into the woods.
“How far is your ship?” Alberto asks as he walks. “Just over that hill, we better make it.” Bran replies.

(Twenty minutes later inside Bran’s ship.)

“We can put him on this bed.” Bran said. They put Dagon on the bed. “I am worried about my people.” Said Alberto a bit worried. Bran looks at Alberto and replies, “ Once we are gone from here these creatures will leave them alone. All I want you to do is look after your friend. It is a long journey to Twilight.” Bran went to the controls and starts the take off. Alberto is checking on Dagon. Alberto notices Dagon is trying to open his eyes. “I think some the drug is wearing off he is trying to open his eyes.” Said Alberto.

Bran set the autopilot and comes to where Dagon is laying and checks him “Good, the drugs are leaving his system. He still has the fever thou. Call me when he is fully awake. I will get you some better clothes.” Bran said as he leaves the room. Alberto baths Dagon’s head with water and watches him. Two hours later Alberto notices Dagon is fully wake and restless. “Bran he is totally awake now but he is very restless.” Alberto said. Bran returns and checks Dagon out “How do you feel?” Bran asks Dagon. Dagon looks at Bran and replies weakly “Thirsty.” Bran leaves and he returns with a glass of water. He helps Dagon drink the water. “Thanks, I feel very weak and tired. All I want is to sleep.” Dagon said.

“You will get your strength back, it might take awhile, and go to sleep Alberto wont leave you. If you need anything let him know. He will let me know.” Bran said. Dagon nods his head and falls into a deep sleep. Bran checks Dagon out again “Keep bathing his head it is keeping the fever down. Let me know if he needs anything.” Bran said. Alberto nods his head and asks, “Is there any books here?” Bran smiles and hands Alberto books to read to pass the time.


Shell05231 said...

Wow that was even better, well now we know who Dagon is, and least he knows who he is as well. I look forward to reading the next chapter! Great work!! :D

Nancy said...

Thanks I am working on Chapter 3 right now :)