Saturday, August 23, 2008

Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Alberto checks Dagon out again and takes the cloth and damps it again and places it back on Dagon’s face. Alberto notices Dagon is awake “How are you feeling?” He asks Dagon. “I still can’t feel my arms or legs. I am hungry thou.” Dagon replies Alberto smiles and replies, “OK, I will let Bran know I will be right back.” Dagon nods his head. Alberto went to the front “Dagon is hungry. The fever has gone he can’t feel his arms and legs.” Alberto explained. Bran looks at Alberto nods his head and sets the ship on autopilot again they both went back to Dagon.

Bran checks Dagon out and replies, “Don’t worry the feeling will come back, it does take time for it to come back. Alberto, help him to sit in the chair.” Alberto carries Dagon to the chair. Alberto has to hold Dagon so he won’t fall off the chair. Bran returns and he feeds Dagon the food. Ten minutes later they are done. “That was good. How long does it take to Twilight?” Dagon asks. Bran looks at a chart “We still have a long journey ahead of us. How are you feeling?” Bran asks Dagon. Dagon replies, “Not as sleepy as before. I am tired lying down. Is there where I can sit for awhile?”

Bran looks at Dagon and replies, “You can sit for a bit I think we better move you to a better chair so Alberto doesn’t have to keep holding onto you. Alberto, lets move him into that chair.” Alberto and Bran carry Dagon to the chair. Suddenly there was a bang against the side of the ship. “What was that?” asks Alberto. “You stay with Dagon, I am checking now.” Replies Bran as he runs up to the controls.

“What has happened?” asks Alberto. Bran is looking at the controls “Something hit us real hard.” He replies with out looking. Suddenly Dagon starts to glow and he rises off the chair. “What is going on here?” Dagon said. Bran turns around and looks at Dagon. “It must be the necklace Dagon, It wants to help us, What ever hit us it took us off course. Dagon repeats these words.” Bran explains and gives him the words to make the necklace do its job. Dagon says the words and the necklace puts the ship on a course. Ten minutes later Dagon falls onto the ground out cold. “What happen?” Asks Alberto confused as he checks Dagon out.

“I am not too sure, it is my guess the necklace had a feeling we might be in trouble. IN Dagon’s weaken condition he couldn’t handle the power. You better move him back to the bed. I will try to land with harming the beings on this planet.” Said Bran. Alberto lifts Dagon back to the bed. “How long will he be out?” Alberto asks Bran. “Not long, it didn’t use all of the power, it can tell Dagon isn’t strong enough for the full power.” Bran explains. Alberto hears a groan from the bed and sees Dagon coming around. “What happen?” Dagon asks in a daze. Alberto tells him. Dagon looks confused and tires to sit up. Alberto pushes him back down. “Whoa there, you are not going any where until you are strong enough.” Alberto said as he pushed Dagon back down.

“OK, Hey Bran are we at Twilight?” Dagon asks. Bran shakes his head no. “What ever that thing it hit us off course. The necklace some how found this planet for us to land and see the damage the ship has.” Bran explains.

(Twenty minutes later Bran has landed the ship.)
“Where are we?” Asks Alberto as he looks out side thru a window. “I have no clue. I hope we are not here long. I want to check the damage.” Bran said as he starts to leave the ship. “Hey what about me? Can I get some fresh air too?” Asks Dagon. Bran turns around and replies, “The fresh air will help you out too Dagon. Alberto please help him out side.” Bran asks. Alberto nods his head. “Are you able to feel your legs?” Alberto asks Dagon. Dagon moves his legs and replies, “Yes, I can. Thanks Alberto for helping me here.” Alberto smiles and puts Dagon’s arm around his neck to help him walk out side. Once outside Alberto helps Dagon to sit under a tree.

“Do you think it can be fixed?” Ask Dagon as he watches Alberto and Bran looking at the ship. “Yes, it can it might take awhile. You better get some sleep.” Suggests Bran. Dagon nods his head in agreement and lies down and falls asleep. Ten minutes later Dagon jumps up rubbing his arm. Bran notices the movement and asks, “What is it?” Dagon looks at Bran and replies, “ I have no idea, and I felt a prick on my arm.” Bran comes over and checks Dagon’s arm out. “It could be a thorn.” Bran said. Alberto notices a movement in the tree where Dagon was resting “I don’t think thorns can move.” Said Alberto. Bran looks at the tree and notices the same thing Alberto has.

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