Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

"I wonder what Dagon will have this time." Said Aella to Castor. "I have no idea." Said Castor. "I hope this is the last time Dagon gets abducted." Said Aella. "I agree or this place will be filled with kids." Said Castor.

Aella notices Dagon is some sort of stress. Castor also sees this and gives Dagon more relax drug. "King Arthur is waiting for you and Gaia." Said Castor to Aella. Aella nods her head as she picks Gaia up and brings her into the main chamber.


Aella returns to Castor's area. Castor sees her enter. "How is he doing?" Aella asks Castor. "Good, he is in a relax coma. I will keep an eye on him. I want you to take it easy." Said Castor. Aella smiles and leaves the room.

On the way back to her home she almost bumps into Bridget. "Sorry about that." Said Aella as she steps back a bit. "That is OK, how is Dagon doing?" Bridget asks. Aella explains everything what Castor told her. "That is good. Are you going to be busy later?" Bridget asks Aella. "I am free. Castor wants me to take it easy for awhile." Replies Aella.

(Next Day.)

"Mother have you seen Alberto?" Asks Bridget as she enters the main chamber. "No, I haven't" Said Queen Daphne. "Thanks, Aella and I taking the kids for a walk." Said Bridget as she heads out.

Bridget sees Aella waiting for her. "Still no Alberto?" Asks Aella to Bridget. "No, he can find us." Said Bridget as they head out.

(Two minutes in the walk they see a figure lying on the ground.)

"I wonder who that is." Asks Aella as she notices the figure. "I have no idea. We better check it out." Said Bridget as they walk toward the figure. When they got closer they see it is Alberto. "You stay with him. I will get some servants to carry him to Castor." Said Aella as she goes to find the servants.

(Five minutes later. Bridget and Aella are in Castor's area.)

"Do you think the same thing happen to Alberto again?" Asks Bridget to Castor. "Yes, he hasn't come around yet. I will check him out and make sure he will be OK. I 'm sure he can be awake until the same time as Dagon." Said Castor. "How is Dagon doing?" Asks Aella as she looks at Dagon. "Good, I'm sure he will let us know when it is time." Said Castor.

(Next Day)

Castor went to check on Alberto and he notices him awake. "How do you feel?" Castor asks to Alberto. "Good, how did I end up here?" Alberto asks a bit confused. Castor explains what happen. Alberto is in shock to hear this."Do you think I will have to go into the coma again?" Alberto asks Castor.

"Yes. Not as early as before." Replies Castor. Alberto smiles at this. Bridget enters. She is happy to see Alberto awake. "Can he leave?" She asks to Castor. "Yes he can. Before you go Bridget I want to check you out." Said Castor. Bridget nods her head as she follows Castor.

(Nine months went by.)

Aella enters the room. Castor sees her. "I think it will be any day now." Said Castor. "Good I miss hearing his voice. Plus his children are missing him as well." Said Aella as she sits down beside Dagon. She talks to him about his children and the castle. Aella sees he is in some stress. Castor also sees this. "He is ready." Said Castor as he sees Bran enter. "I need your help Bran. Dagon is ready." Said Castor as he and Bran move Dagon to the operation room.

(Two hours later.)

Aella is waiting and watching for news about Dagon, Few minutes later she sees Bran return with a baby. "Dagon had a girl." Said Bran to Aella. "He will be happy with that." How is he doing?" She asks Bran. Bran tells her. King Arthur and Queen Daphne enter. Aella tells them what Dagon had. Bran shows them. "She is a cutie." Said Queen Daphne. King Arthur agrees to this.

"Did he choose a name already?" Asks King Arthur to Aella. "Yes he did. He told me the names in case he had a boy or a girl. He wants to name her Pax." Said Aella. "A lovely name for a girl." Said King Arthur. The others agree. "Will she get the name spell?" Asks Aella to King Arthur. "Yes, Dagon doesn't have to been here for it." Said King Arthur as he and Bran leave with Pax.

Aella sees Castor arriving back. "How is Dagon doing?" Aella asks Castor. He explains everything to her. "I want to keep him under for a couple of days." Said Castor.

(Two days went by.)

"Good timing Aella. I am going to start to wake Dagon up. It will take time before he is totally awake." Said Castor as he sees Aella enter. Aella smiles at this and sits beside Dagon. She watches Castor to do his thing. She talks to Dagon about his children and around the castle. She holds his hand for awhile before she feels a squeeze. Castor sees this. "He is coming around faster than before." Said Castor as he checks Dagon out.

(Two hours later Dagon is fully awake.)

"Dagon how do you feel?" Asks Castor to Dagon. "Thirsty." Said Dagon a bit weak. Aella went to get a glass of water and helps him to drink it. "Go to sleep, you still feel the drugs." Said Castor as he watches Dagon goes into a deep sleep. "How long will he be here for?" Asks Aella to Castor. He tells her.

(A week went by.)

"You are ready to go Dagon. I want you to take it easy for awhile." Said Castor. Dagon smiles at this. "I am tired of lying down on my back. I hope I won't have to go through this again." Said Dagon as he stands up. "I agree with you. Your family is waiting for you." Said Castor. Dagon smiles at this as he leaves. On the way back to his house he runs into Alberto. "Hey welcome back." Said Alberto happy to see Dagon up and moving. "Yes, I hope I won't have to go thru that again." Said Dagon. "I agree with you there." Said Alberto. Dagon looks at Alberto. "You got abducted again?" Dagon asks Alberto. "Yes, I hope it is my last time as well."

(Nine months went by.)

"What's wrong Bridget?" Alberto asks Bridget. "I think our child is ready to be born." Said Bridget. Alberto is in shock. "We better head over to Castor's area." Said Alberto as he helps Bridget over there.

(Three hours later.)

"Congrats Alberto you have a son." Said Castor as he brings the baby out. Alberto smiles at this. "How is Bridget?" Alberto asks Castor. "She is resting. You can bring him to King Arthur." Said Castor as he hands the baby to Alberto.

(In the main chamber.)

King Arthur sees Alberto enter. "Congrats Alberto." Said King Arthur as he comes over. "Thanks. Bridget said his name is Jove." Said Alberto as he hands Jove to King Arthur.

(Next Day.)

There is a knock on Alberto's home. Bridget went to answer it. "Nice to see you brother." Said Bridget as she lets Dagon enter. "Is Alberto free?" Dagon asks his sister. "Yes he is." Said Bridget. Alberto enters the room. "What's up?" He asks Dagon. "Want to take a walk?" Dagon asks. "Sure." Said Alberto. "Go, I will be OK. The servants will help if I need it." Said Bridget as she watches them leave.

"I was thinking let's look thru the water pool and look on Myst." Said Dagon. Alberto nods his head yes as they enter the water pool room. "We want to see the planet Myst please." Said Dagon as he and Alberto watch the magic waters to bring images from Myst to them. "We had so much fun there." Said Dagon as he watches the pictures go by. Alberto nods his head yes. Dagon looks at Alberto. "Are you having problems breathing?" Dagon asks Alberto. "Yes." Said Alberto as he tries to take a breath. "I will get Castor." Said Dagon as he leaves the room.

(Two minutes later they are in Castor's area.)

"He is going the same as you Dagon. I put him on the breathing machine to help him breath. He will need to go into the coma again." Said Castor to Dagon. "OK, I better tell Bridget." Said Dagon as he heads out. Few minutes later he is with Bridget. He tells her everything that Castor told him. "I am glad you were with him Dagon. I am going to visit him for awhile." Said Bridget as she heads to Castor's area.

Dagon heads towards to the main chamber. King Arthur sees him enter. "You look beat my son." Said King Arthur. "I am." Said Dagon as he tells his father what is happening to Alberto. "He is in good hands." Said King Arthur to Dagon. "I know I hope he can recover faster." Replies Dagon. King Arthur nods his head in agreement. Dagon notices Bridget enter. "What is it Bridget?" Dagon asks her. She tells them. "Castor had to put Alberto in the coma a bit early. He wouldn't settle down." Said Bridget a bit sad. "He will make it Bridget. He is a fighter. He doesn't want to lose you or his children." Said Dagon to Bridget. "I know it will be hard still." Replies Bridget.

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